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From Rollercoasters to Alpacas: A Data Debacle Turned Triumph

At "Catastrophe Coverage Catastrophe," a quirky and bustling independent agency specializing in commercial insurance, chaos is...

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When Automation Saves the Day (and Bernard’s Coffee)

Bernard couldn't help but chuckle as Beatrice, the fiery head of Life Insurance, stormed into his office, her red curls bouncing...

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Classic Experience Meets Modern Data

Barbara "Barb" Nelson, a legend at Nelson Insurance with a mind sharper than a well-tuned engine, wasn't one for fads. At 55, she...

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How Sourdough Changed the Renewal Game?

Mildred "Millie" Peabody, a legend at Peabody Insurance with a memory sharper than a tack, wasn't one for trendy ideas. At 62,...

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The Big Spill (and How Your Local Insurance Agent Saved the Day)

Marvin "Mighty Mike" Mulligan, a plumber with a flair for the dramatic, faces an extraordinary challenge at Joe's Java Joint....

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Bartholomew's Big Break (and the heroics of your friendly neighborhood agent!)

In the whimsical world of Edna "Eagle Eye" Edgerton, garage sales are treasure troves, and her keen eye has turned countless...

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The Data Detectives: Uncovering hidden insights from renewal data

The insurance industry is facing a challenging landscape. A "hard market" characterized by skyrocketing renewal premiums and...

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The Power of Predictive Analytics in Commercial Lines Sales

The commercial insurance landscape is dynamic. Businesses face ever-evolving risks, and independent agencies need to be at the...

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Maximizing Monoline Potential for Insurance Agencies

For independent insurance agencies, personal lines monoline customers – those with a single policy, typically auto or homeowners...

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The Unexpected Rumble: Why Earthquake Coverage May Be Worth Consideration

When it comes to protecting your clients' homes, independent insurance agents like us juggle a variety of risks. Fire, theft, and...

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