DONNA integrates with various management systems to gather data about agency operations. DONNA uses this data to run various algorithms such as:
However, all management systems do not provide data with the same level of details or consistency. This causes various numbers to be reported as inconsistent with what is seen on the management system dashboard. Following are the know issues and their impact on the various features of DONNA.
DONNA users who use NowCerts as a Management system are sometimes concerned with the mismatch of numbers of DONNA Dashboards and numbers reported on NowCerts. A few examples below:
The primary reason for the mismatch on both the counts is as follows:
For example; if we are viewing the report on 9-17-2021,
Rather than being inaccurate, the mismatch is different ways of looking at the same data. Though the data reported on the dashboards look mismatched, the algorithms are not impacted.
DONNA users who use QQCatalyst have encountered only 1 issue. The API from QQCatalyst does not expose the policy cancellation date; therefore, the policy cancellation events are missed. As a consequence, cancellation events are not available in the events ecosystem.
Currently, DONNA users who use HawkSoft do not have access to commission/revenue data on DONNA.
DONNA users who use QQCatalyst have encountered the following issue. Policies that are due for renewal and have been provided by the carrier in the download are future date policies, meaning policies with an inception date in the future.
AMS360 reporting factors these policies in calculating policy count and premium, while DONNA considers them only after the existing policy expires and the renewed policy comes into force.
For example; if we are viewing the report on 9-17-2021,
The mismatch is different ways of looking at the same data, not inaccuracy. Though the data reported on the dashboards look mismatched, the algorithms are not impacted.
DONNA's recommendation engine scans through the policy holding for each insured to generate recommendations. To check a customer's current status and eligibility for a specific recommendation, DONNA relies on the "Coverage" information from the AMS. Some AMSs provide standard ACORD-based coverage data, while some AMSs have kept it flexible and allow users to update in specific or enter these values into the AMS.
This can cause some recommendations to be missed or some recommendations to be generated even when the policyholder has that recommendation.